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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Second Essay Assignment: Optional Early Deadline, Macbeth

Macbeth Essay Assignment

Considering Roman Polanski's film version of Macbeth as an interpretation, choose one scene, one character, or one aspect (period details, atmosphere, music, etc.) that you thought was particularly effective. In your paper, you should demonstrate why you think the director's choice was effective and what dimensions of the play it helped you see, feel or understand. Your argument should give specific examples from the film version, but also textual evidence from the play.
Be sure to focus on one particular scene, character or aspect of the film and use specific evidence to support your claims. Your essay should show that you understand some of the larger themes and problems explored in the play. However, do not merely summarize the film/play or discuss either only in general terms--focus on details!
Earlier, I sent you some information about Polanski, but you can also find it here. It might be helpful in writing your essay.

Remember: one of the goals of this assignment is to help you think critically and analytically, by asking you to develop an argument. This means that you should have a central, focused claim and support it with evidence. Please review the instructions below...

About the Course Project Response Essay Assignment

The essay is an opportunity for you to develop some of your ideas and impressions into insights, and articulate those insights in a brief argument. It should be 2-3 paragraphs long and have a specific focus: don't just summarize, but make a point backed up with evidence. This assignment is meant to be somewhat informal. It does not need to be a perfectly written essay of the sort you would write for a paper. It should not take you more than 30 minutes to write.
Before beginning, please read the more specific guidelines here

The weeks that you have this assignment, you are not required to make your regular post. However, you are still required to comment on one of your fellow group member's short essay. These comments should be constructively critical and respond in some substantial way to the claim being made by the author. This comment will be worth 0.8 points and will count towards that week's weekly posting grade.

The essay is due on Saturday, April 9 by 19:00.
Your comments on another member's essay are due on Tuesday, April 12 by 19:00.

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