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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Descarte's Modesty

Hi guys,

We have started discussing importance and the works of Descartes this week. I think Descartes did huge things in terms of improving society. Instead of believing in the restrictions of Catholic France, he decided to move to a more liberal enviroment. When we consider the pressure of the church among people in terms of science and improvement, it is inevitable that Descarte's works of math is a mile stone for all humanity. He has found such vital terminologies that we still use in our classes such as Cartesian Coordinate System. Furthermore, his studies on polynomials that cover the rules of the sign has broaded the perspective of other scientist who found the general solution of a given polynomial. When we consider all these facts, I think he is being modest by calling himself as a "regular person". Because he performed things that are really hard to achieve and contribute to society at that times.

1 comment:

  1. He is definitely modest! I think one of the reasons why he's being modest in The Prince is that he doesn't want to annoy the reader or scare them away from his book.
