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Friday, March 11, 2016

Macbeth as a Tragic Hero

Hello everyone,

What I want to focus on about our lectures is Shakespeare's "Macbeth" and how Macbeth can be a tragic hero. First, I want to point out the meaning of tragic hero; it is the one who has a noble back ground, good person and at the same time suffers from the mistakes in the his personality. As we have read, Macbeth has a noble background and he seems to be loyal to the king. However, after the witches told him that he will be the king, he and his wife decides to murder the king. On the night king comes to stay at their home, they host him very well and seem to be very respectful to him but it is not the reality. I think Macbeth wants to be king but he actually does not want to murder the king in his inside, his wife kind of forces him. He actually does not want to murder the king and from his face everything can be read like a book. He is in kind of dilemma in his inside and on his face. He actually seems different to everyone in the society and he has different issues in his heart.


  1. Macbeth's hypocrisy is one of the main topics of the play, so that I think each character were created for emphasizing his double-dealing because except of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, every character is demonstrated as good. Besides his hypocrisy, I believe he has also a good side because I believe no one can be completely evil or completely good; conceivably, it sounds quite fantastic for a play. Therefore, Macbeth usually conflicts with himself because of his mixed feelings. He has an ambition but he is not evil. He kills King Duncan, but he kills him just for being a king because he has not any problem with him. Even, he often emphasizes how Duncan is good. However, he is enslaved by his ambition, especially because of his manipulative wife, Lady Macbeth and he thinks he MUST be evil for making his dreams come true. In a nutshell, he is not evil, he forces himself to be evil.

  2. I think your arguement has a good point which is to disgust Macbeth personality but your arguement is really contradictory. As you said, we could call Macbeth as a tragic hero on account of reasons you mentioned. However; what you are saying is that Macbet wants to be king and does not want to kill the king. After he heard the prophecy of witches, he thought much about the idea of becoming king and it is true that he was loyal to his king and does not want to kill him. Nonetheless; After a while, he got away from this idea and he did wanted to kill the King and became a king.It is not like that he is not inside thinking to kill the king. He is perfectly planning on that. What concerns him was that the risks of this attempt to kill the king. He was afraid of this. Of course, his wife forced him but he did not hesitate this crime because of his loyalty to king but the risks coming with this crime as he was already full of fury of ambition.
