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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Descartes & Religion

Through out the history, religion and the church made lots of impression to the people. Especially to the researchers and the researches that they didn't join. Humankind want to improve their life and change their mind in some of times in history. In lots of countries, scientists made lots of researches and gave the chance to the public and the way to think more like positivistic and in science base. However, the impression of the religious sites didn't give chance to them and makes people more fool. Descartes, made lots of researches in different topics and helped to the people to think more critically in their times. Descartes was the most important person for shown for this cases. For instance, the research about the polynomials makes a huge change in the math history and give chance to the researchers to think in both negative and positive side in mathematically conditions.

Descartes, made an important research about metaphysics which the catholic churches in France these years wanted to stop the research and didn't like these scientific prevents. Because, in these years churches had very important and bad impact on the people and never wanted to change the religious system.

Finally, Descartes was the very important person about the mathematic and metaphysics also for lots of other research topics. Descartes is a figure for the changing the mind of these ages.

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