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Friday, March 18, 2016

Dither or Regret

[Macbeth and Lady Macbeth] [graphic] / H. Bone.
[late 18th or early 19th century]

     As we all know from the play, Macbeth killed Duncan to be a king. He was hesitant about killing him because, on the one hand, Duncan was a good man, a good king etc. and on the other hand Macbeth wanted to be a king. I think this picture drect us to think about 2 different ways. First, it could be before the murder. Secondly, it could be after the murder. I think this picture tells us lots of things either first way or second way. If it was before the murder we can see the hesitant about killing Duncan from Macbeth's face. and also we can see that Lady Macbeth was unflinching to kill Duncan and she forced him to kill him. If it was after the murder we can also see that Macbeth felt regret and Lady Macbeth was trying to manage Macbeth's feeling about what he did. it seems like she wants to make her husband calm and try to control him. Either first way or second way, this picture tells us lots of things about play.


  1. I think you are right but In my opinion this picture is drawn to depict scene before murder. Because as you said, In Macbeth's eyes, I see hesitance, fear.He holds daggers in his hands. Daggers are clean, does not filled with dirt, blood. Also that can be understood from the body language of Macbeth, he does not want to go and kill the king. Lady Macbeth pushes him to go and kill Duncan as soon as he can. On the other hand we can analyze this picture with Alberti's thoughts about paintings even this painting does not belong to Renaissance art. Despite the fact that
    painter uses shadows, facial expressions and etc. very well, I think he does not used anatomy so efficiently when he is drawing this. He drew Macbeth's muscles good but I think heads of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are a little bit small according to their bodies.

    1. The interpretation and the usage of previous texts are perfect.

      Their heads were painted small-ish. Maybe that is because they both don't use their heads anyways. Because the scenes around Murder of the King Duncan are so emotional rather than being rational.

  2. I agree with Missandei. Macbeth is pulling himself off to something and Lady Macbeth is like a wall that Macbeth cannot get through. She is so determined that she stands and prevents Macbeth to run off. Also, their emotions are expressed perfectly. Lady Macbeth's determination and Macbeth's hesitation are well-shown.
