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Saturday, April 9, 2016

Ernst Cassirer and Descartes

Descartes has come up with an instrumental view of knowledge. He has studied “mathematics because of the certainty and the evidence of its reasoning” (page 4), “held oratory in high regard and was enamored of poetry” (page 4) and also natural sciences. For the sake of explaining ones knowledge Descartes has referred to his studies. Cassirer has done his doctoral work on analysis of Descartes on mathematics and natural sciences. We know that Kant as well had referenced his thoughts on enlightenment from ideas of Descartes. Kant has benefitted from Descartes’s works on philosophy.

Cassirer has worked on the products of Descartes for explaining his ideas. Cassirer says, “Knowledge is not merely applied as an instrument and employed unreservedly as such, but time and again with growing insistence the question of the justification of this use of knowledge and the quality of the instrument arises”. Here Cassirer mentions that instruments for explaining knowledge are important in the quality. It is important on choosing the suitable instruments besides the amount. Quality is important rather than the quantity. Descartes also mentions a similar idea in his Discourse on Method that instruments that are chosen for explaining knowledge carries a great importance.

The search for knowledge throughout the instruments leads Descartes and his followers to face the situation of epistemological skepticism. In short, it means for someone needs to have true valid reasons for believing in something. The idea of belief because of feeling that way is against the idea of epistemological skepticism. In his book Descartes has defended the idea of skepticism while he was in the search of the idea of believing god. Descartes has came up with the thought where he is not perfect and neither any other living creature is perfect therefore there must exist something that is perfect. Descartes has proved the existence of god with the argument he has made. Throughout his book Descartes has proven all of his thoughts similar to how he has defended the existence of god.

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