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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Second Short Essay

Descartes and modernity cannot be considered inseparably as he is regarded to be one of the most important philosophers, whose ideas shed a light on how modernity has come into being. His definition of the modern man who exists simply by thinking makes him different from the others and leads us to think over the solitary self and individualism. As one of the hallmarks of the Enlightenment Age, individualism suggested by Descartes paved the way for modernity because man was able to break the chains of absolute power reinforced by monarchs of the medieval times and set up a modern civilization with his free thought and liberties that Descartes found inalienable. For him, man managed to stand as a strong being against taboos, absolute powers of the world and the Church as well as civilize his society only with the help of his existence that got its meaning from the act of thinking. 

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