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Friday, April 22, 2016

Smith vs. Marx

At the beginning it was hard for me to
understand Smith and Marx especially Smith :) Then I found this video. Talker explains both of their ideas also he adds his idea too :)

If you ask me everyone life now is so unfair for Marx's ideas In a world like this there will always be a leader a rich person using poor people. Even I agree everything he suggests I think it is impossible to follow his ideas in a world like this. There are people who says they follow Marx but then we see them with their Iphones at the Starbucks ;) and it is normal we can't judge them. I feel like Marx's ideas are dreams but Smith's ideas are the reality.

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I side with Marx. His philosophy was that governments are based on the powerful people controlling the means of production. In capitalism, there will always be a rich landlord/business owner who will take advantage of the slaves/workers. Political power comes from the ability to oppress the lower class workers and have wealth. I do agree with that.
