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Friday, April 15, 2016

Poor & Rich Countries

Hey you should check it out. If you curious about Why Some Countries Are Poor and Others Rich, you need to watch this video. But if you say I can't waste my time without knowing brief information about the video, here is a little summary for you. Video mentions about wealth of some countries as it is indicated in its title. There are three reasons which make poor countries poorer. First is institutions as poor countries have insufficient institutions due to clan employment (employers are family members not the best people selected to work for a specific job like in developed countries.), they tend to corrupt easily an when they corrupt they cannot get taxes from society and they cannot invest on police, health, education and transportation that leads to their slow rate of growth. Second is culture. In video culture related with religion, belief. While in developed and rich countries, there are fewer believers, in poorest countries almost everyone is a believer. And I think they are right to turn to their god. Think about it you have a home filled with mud, having a roof made of linoleum and eating same tropical food every day and even you are struggle to find clean  water. Wouldn't you believe more that you are is comfortable in your next life and god just tests you wish you bad conditions of this life? I can hear your 'yes’. And third reason that makes poor poorer is geographical conditions. This isn't a coincidence that most of poor countries are in tropical area of earth. Because of climate they have worse soil and plants having struggle to do photosynthesis. Also tropical diseases affect both animals and humans. And at last, some countries are "landlocked" as they have no harbor for example, Afghanistan. If you do not understand what is landlocked is you should check this video also: Landlocked Countries

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