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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Exploitation and Profit as Theft

According to reports of Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights which were reported by Charles Kernaghan:

  • The shirt that is made by a women is sold for 14.99$ while the women earns 3 cents for each shirt. 
  • The jacket is sold for 178$ and the workers who made that was paid 74 cents for every jacket.
  • As one of the companys' reports highlight the company arranged precise time slots for producing products. The time slots were so efficient(!) that every worker has to made a shirt in every 6.6 seconds.
As one can observe, companys were using their work force, labor, workers as they were soulless machines. They try to make their profit margin so high that they even do not pay the price of their workers' labour. They basically steal in order to make high margins of profits. So, how they are able to behave brutally?

As division of labour suggests, a company should divide the work should be done as many parts as possible in order to increase their production rate. However, according to Karl Marx, such a division leads to a lack of possession. "The more the worker produces, the more he falls under the domain of his product" (1844 Manuscripts, 72). This gives the power of firing workers freely to the companies. Because the amount of people who are waiting wo be hired is so many and the company is not constructed on a single worker because the work is divided and workers are able to replaced easily.

In conclusion, the modern workers and the work force is not different than old days slavery.

Please refer to the video for further information

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