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Saturday, April 23, 2016


For this weeks post, instead of sharing videos or links that I find interesting, I  will share my personal opinion about capitalism.This is actually a funny coincidence because this year I am taking a course (If you are interested, it's IE-271) about "standardization of work" from my department. Since the beginning of the semester, our only aim is to decrease inputs(labor cost, time, money, etc.) while increasing the outputs(product, profit, etc.). In other words, increasing productivity to reach mass production level. For example, we learned how to standardize the work elements and how to get 100% efficiency from workers by motion and time studies. Additionally, as a capital owner we want to decrease the labor cost to get our maximum profit. Honestly, I haven't really looked from workers perspective until I read these texts from Marx. However, now I realize that how the capitalist system shapes us to be that selfish and careless about another's needs, desires, feelings and even about their psychologies. What do you think? Do you think learning to consider just companies profit and see workers as a machine is normal?

1 comment:

  1. Hi everybody, I am Morgan Edward ,currently living in Canada. I am married at the moment with two kids and i was struck in a financial situation and I needed to refinance and pay for my son medical bill. I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success,and most banks declined my credit. But as God would have it, I was introduced to a private loan lender by a friend and I got a loan sum of 150,000.00 USD and today am a business owner and my kids are doing well at the moment. So dear,if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan with low interest rate of 2% and better repayment plans and schedule,please contact Mr Lorenzo Diego he doesn’t know that am doing this but am so happy now and i decided to let people know more about him, he offers all kinds of loans to both individuals and company and also i want God to bless him more. You can contact his company through this  E-mail  mrlorenzodiegoloanfirm@outlook.com
