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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Effects of Marxism

Hello everyone,

What I want to point out is the effects of Marx and Marxism. As we all know, Karl Marx is one of the most important philosopher and he has many effects even today's world. Even though it has been 125 years after his death, he still affects our lives in many ways like; political, historical etc. As he is also an important political economist, he has an influence on politics and economy. There are lots of people that give very big importance on his thoughts and ideas. I want to share a link about Marxism.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with effects of Marxism on today's world. Currently the world we live in is highly influenced by the conflict between communism vs capitalism. One could say that many economical or political issues arise from the opposite beliefs of government heads or economists that predict the future of human kind.
