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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Hegel VS Descartes

Hegel VS Descartes

After reading the opinion of Hegel about Descartes’s philosophy, I both agreed and disagreed with him. For Hegel, Descartes represents a decisive step in the self-consciousness of philosophy. I agree with Hegel because Descartes really tried to prove his thoughts by propounding a new type of thinking system. But there is a contradiction while explaining his thoughts because he wrote two books to express his ideas and he directly acknowledged that god is certain. I know he was a religious man but whether there wasn’t any possibility to think the absence of the god. I think there was but he knew what could happen if he rejects the religious people’s idea in that time, for instance Galileo tried it and he faced with its consequences.

As Hegel said, Descartes created a new type of philosophy because the ancestors of philosophy never thought about the existence. Until Descartes no one understood the importance of thinking. By being skeptic he separated the sources of the knowledge. He clarified them as innately, imaginatively and sensitively. As I mentioned before he directly determined the religious knowledge as innately because if he went counter to god, his ideas would be rejected at first. To create a healthy environment he accepted the subject of the 16th century. Then he published his unique ideas about the universe like mathematics, geometry and even the existence. He also created a bond between god and his ideas, according to Descartes, “God, who is tis perfect being, is or exists, as any demonstration in geometry could be.”(pg.21). hence Descartes represents a decisive step in the self-consciousness of philosophy, because he introduces to philosophical discourse critical reflections on its own conditions of possibility. 

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