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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Why Are Some Countries are Rich and Others Poor

Hello everyone,

I want to talk about an issue that which attracts my attention very much; the wealth and poverty. I think that it is a very important issue to talk about that while some countries are very rich and wealthy why the others are not so wealthy and poor. In the video on the blog it says that the institutions have a big importance in the wealth of a country which I am totally agree. What makes a country is the institutions and how they work. The other reason in the video is to degenerate; which makes a country invaluable. If a country degenerates, it loses his own identity and cannot be united anymore and if a country loses the identity and not be united, it is very difficult to be rich. Another reason which I found the most important is beliefs. In our country, Turkey, we have also some beliefs and live according to that. However, as it is said in the video that without believing anything but own beliefs as religion, a country cannot improve because when believing just one thing and not accepting anything makes a country not open-minded. So if a country is not open minded and does not accept anything new, it is inevitable to be poor. I want to share a link about this issue.


1 comment:

  1. It is very complicated issue to determine certain reasons for a conuntry to be poor or wheathy. However; your points are close to truth but for example, if a country is not open minded, there could be reasons for that or if a country is degenerated, there could be external factors to that. For example, how can we blame African people to be degenerated when all of their natural sources was stolen by some European countries or others? And when they hate other people for this reason, how can they be open-minded about what is going on in the world?
