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Friday, April 15, 2016

Smith VS. Marx

This weak I would like to do something different. I would like to rush further and talk about Marx and some differences between Smith and Marx. Before moving on these are my references:

The first thing that I recognize is how these two authors are thinking so contradictorily. For example about being specialised. Smith argues that tasks that are splitted into many tasks carried out by multiple people are more profitable than the tasks that are done by one person. However according to Marx, the modern work that generally describes as Smith's  is alienated. Specialised jobs inhibits workes in order to derive a sense of the genuine contribution. And yet, such kind of a behaviour leads the workers become unfulfilled.

The other contradictory concept is about the rich. Smith interprets them as necessaries. He claims that rich people do not value the materials that they have. The only thing that they want is respect and honor. In return for giving what they want, we can make them fund a hospital or a school. Nevertheless, Marx defines the thing that rich people gain, profit, in a different manner. He expresses the "profit", and who profits as "Theft". In addition, what they are stealing is nothing but the hardwork of the work force of his/her.

These indicate that we are going to have very interesting and unexpected classes in next week in terms of contradictory and deep concepts)

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