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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Third Weekly Assignment Late Submission

Did you know that Machiavelli's ideas about life and how to be a proper prince influenced people in such a way that there is a psychological condition called Machiavellianism? This condition is explained as the employment of cunning and duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct by the Oxford English Dictionary and we know that this line of thinking as explained by Machiavelli is knowing how and when to be bad in order to properly rule your state.  But modern psychology explains this condition as having a duplicitious interpersonal style, a cynical disregard for morality and a focus on self interest and personal gain. This condition is considered so dangerous that it is considered one of the dark triad personalities along with psychopathy and narcissism.  I think this is very interesting. I think this shows that either Machiavelli understood human nature better than we did or his work became so popular and influential that it affected the way of thinking of people for generations since it became a full blown personality disorder.



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