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Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Perspective of Author on Characters

While I was reading the Macbeth book which was written by Shakespeare, the characters were more powerful when I was reading. In addition, while reading the scenes or speeches between the characters the place and people around is not same as the movie. I imagined the same scene differently according to the written book and movie.

Therefore, we can infer that when we are imagine something there is lots of factors that affected our imagine way. For instance, the speeches between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth has very important differences between the book and movie. So, reader can easily change his mind after watched the film. In the movie, characters are more emotional, critical position than book. However, characters on the book is more powerful and stronger in my opinion because of the words that chosen by Shakespeare.

Once a filmmaker decides upon settings and characters, we’re limited to seeing those characters and settings through their eyes. 
However, 500 different readers of the same book may have 500 different ideas of a character’s appearance. And if an actor doesn’t measure up to what you imagined when reading the book, there’s some disappointment.

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