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Saturday, April 16, 2016

On Expensive vs. Valuable Things

Hey there!

The video that I've linked down this paragraph tells us some real stories about "pineapples" or "flying above the clouds" and how these things were perceived once upon a time. The video shows basically that how and why we falsely perceive expensive and valuable things are equivalent. Maybe our perspective about "money itself" will be changed in some times, and our descendants will mock us for our views about money, like we do mock the people who once adore pineapples. Check the video!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with the video, we place importance of objects to the price it is held at unless it has sentimental value.This may even be the case for money. Economics has a weird balance to it.(If I remember correctly) After the first world war, the value of the Mark had decreased so much that, instead of carrying bags and bags of money to buy coal, germans would just burn the money to warm their homes. There is no definite answer to what will be valuable or invaluable in the future.
