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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Division of Labor

In “Wealth of Nations”, Adam Smith talks about division of labor and importance of it. If we were living alone, not in a society, we would do everything by ourselves. Since we are living in a society we should divide labor instead of everybody doing everything. There is a saying which suggests the same idea: “Instead of knowing half of everything, know something completely.” We cannot be professional on many things so we should divide labor, do a specific task.

1 comment:

  1. I do not agree with you and Adam. First of all i dont think that anything can be known completely even if you are in society, however who does that work, supposed to do it as it satisfies expectations. Then it can be counted as succesful work. Therefore, if a man chooses to not participate to society and division of labor, it is possible to live a better life with doing all his works by himself, since the society have needs with redundant complexity and it is much harder to satisfy. Instead, if a man know his neccesities and avoid from luxury, it is much more easier to satisfy himself.
