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Saturday, April 2, 2016

The wedding at Cana

The wedding at Cana was created by Paolo Veronese and this work is the largest table of louvre museum. The Wedding at Cana is in front of the Mona Lisa. This work challenge to Mona Lisa in terms of  size and artistic. After Mona Lisa,  this work atrract a great deal of visitors attention. This work show Jesus’s first miracle. Jesus has transformed water into wine in this miracle. All people were dressed very stylish except jesus and mary and this situation create contrast. There is many famous kings and queens in this work like Austria Queen Eleanor, French King 1. Francis, British Queen 1.Mary . All excellent figure sat same table but Jesus and Mary were in the middle of the table. Veronese wanted to highlight the religious figures. There are many people to prepare the feast. The work show Venice’s architect and style. Veronese’s style correspond to  renaissance period.

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