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Friday, April 8, 2016

Voltaire's ideas about Descartes

   When we read the ideas of Voltaire about Descartes, we could see that Voltaire, at some points, criticizing Descartes severely but on the other hand, at other points, he mentions that Descartes achieaved great things too. In my opinion, what Voltaire is right about was the huge contributions of Descartes to the world as it was obvious but what he is totally wrong about was that he showed Descartes' works about science and philosophy as completely trash.
  While reading Voltaire, we could get the idea of power of mind that is capable of everything and with this mind, people could achiave anything in a suitable way(e.g. by using empirical methods). As Voltaire believes in this idea, he totally refused the ideas of Descartes in science and philisopy as Descartes's works depend on the god at the end. Voltaire's objections may because of his strick adherity to obtain the information in a emprical way and this emprical way can not be depended on god. God can not be proposed as an element for a scientific work as the existence of him is not certain. As it is seen that Voltaire trusts to his mind so much and he thinks that he could solve everything with his  mind. However; Descartes in a very detailed way explains that our minds prone to err so they are not as great as they seem to be to some people like Voltaire and he, in a paragraph, explains how our minds are so far from the god's intellectual in an excellent way. He says that "Reflecting upon the fact(I think therfore I am) that  I doubted and  that, as a consequence, my being was not utterly perfect(for he was that it is very clear that it is a greater perfection to know than to doubt ), I decided to search for the source from which I had learned to think of something more perfect than I was and I plainly knew that this had to be from some nature  that was in fact more perfect."(pg. 19) I know that this quatation is a bit long but every word of Descartes is like an entire page. What Descartes showed here is that if he thinks therefore he is and his mind is poor which could only doubt rather than knowing the entire truth. He came to the point that if he think a much great intellectual creature or a thing, he should be the one that created him. He also explains how this result can be conculeded in the following lines."it is no less a contradiction to receive this idea(everthing comes from much perfect than they are as they cannot be them without the power to make them exists and sustain their existance) from nothing, and because it is no less a contradiction that something mroe perfect shouls follow from and depend upon something less perfect than that something should come from nothing, I could not obtain it from myself." Then he comes to the final point where what is the last thing or one who is the greatest and have no perfect than himself. " It thus remained that this idea had been placed in me by nature truly more perfect than I was and that it even had within itself all the perfections of which I could have any idea, that is to say, to explain myself in a single word, that it was God!" He defined the final perfection point as god in a reasonable way. This explanation is very satisfiyng as it is obvious that there is always better one than the old one. However; this situation cannot last forever and in the top of this pyramid, there should be the most perfect one and it is the God. Descartes even explains his this idea further and further with many proofs. However; many still are against Descartes with many objections like Voltaire. Voltaire does not want to see a single word about god while searching for truth. Nonetheless; why does he not think Descartes ideas elaborately. This man did not conclude god idea in one way. He thought about it very long time and he spent so many years to conclude and wrote these ideas. Why does Voltaire not show some respect and be a docile boy. He screws it up. He just praises Descartes at some points and in the rest, he call all of Descartes' science and philosopy work as trash. It is not acceptable. We may not be as smart as Voltaire but we have reason too and I think that Descartes questions everything for a long time and tried his best to find the certain truths and the method to do that but after some point he realized that in spite of all knowledge of people, they will not know everything a there is a much perfect one than them and it is the god. As explained above, it is clear that Descartes has very reasonable deductions to prove the weaknesses of the mind and the existance of god. It is not easy to accept yourself as unable even if your life has been spent with searching for knowledge and wisdom. Descartes was a guy who showed this virtue. When it comes to Voltaire, he seemed to not comprehend how mind is prone to err and not capable of everything in 84 years of life time!

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