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Saturday, April 9, 2016


            MURDER SCENE IN MOVIE            

            Macbeth is one of Shakespeare's masterpieces and some scenes of it are highly impessive. One of those scenes is the scene of murder in which Macbeth kills the king Duncan. The details of the murder are not given in the book because the murders and violence take place in outstage but the movie we watched together in class exhibited that illustrious scene with all its details and became a very efficient source for spectators to recognize the realities of the murder. If it is analyzed carefully, it can be noticed that the murder scene shelters some very significant themes of the play and the effectiveness of the movie and the book in this manner can be compred to each other.
            Firstly, it can be indicated that unchecked ambition is one of the most significant themes of the play and the murder scene in the movie is successful in one way to reflect Macbeth's ambition. It can be remembered from the lines of the play "First, as I am his kinsman and his subject, / Strong both against the deed; then, as his host, / Who should against his murderer shut the door, / Not bear the knife myself." (Act 1, Scene 7) that Macbeth was loyal to his king previously and he was proud of what Duncan made him acquire after his victories. However; the murder scene showed the spectators that Macbeth became dominated by his ambition and he kills his virtuous king Duncan. Just before killing him, Macbeth seemed slightly indecisive for going through his mission of murder but when Duncan noticed him, Macbeth turned into an ambitious monster and killed him in a relentless way. Then the fallen crown at the end was symbolyzing the fallen country and the consequences of Macbeth's action performed with his ambition. Then it can be said that the scene was beneficial to exhibit how Macbeth becomes dominated by his ambition.
            A second point that can be emphasized is the theme of violence. As stated before, violence is not shown much in the play so readers can not really notice how violent Macbeth is. In the play, it is not mentioned what happened in the room where only Duncan and Macbeth had taken place but the movie exhibits how violent he is during the murders. It can be remembered from the movie that Macbeth kills Duncan with many wounds of knife and finally he takes Duncan's soul from his body by using his knife on his neck. It can easily be accepted in this way that the murder scene in the movie was a terrifying one. His way of killing Duncan totally is an indication of Macbeth's frightening violence and violence is another important theme of the play. Violence is significant because Macbeth's violence with his ambition is the reason of all the incidents that are taking place in the play and his deserved voilent death by Macduff. Macbeth's words "Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather The multitudinous seas in incarnadine, Making the green one red." (Act 2, Scene 2) clearly highlights how violent the murder was but as it was not shown by the play, that scene in the movie was effective for imagining and recognizing that violence by the spectators.
            Finally; the existence of blood in the play and the movie should be focused on. Blood is an important motif in the play because it represents the guilt of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth after the murder of Duncan. The previously given quote is also a great example of this but Lady Macbeth's soliloquy "Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him." (Act 5, Scene 1) emphasizes that Lady Macbeth (also Macbeth) is aware of how guilty they are because of the action they performed. They are surprised by the greatness of their sin and the impacts of murder on their life. As the amount of blood is directly proportional with sin and guilt so that quote justifies this opinion. With this perspective, the play is effective with illustrious quotes like the stated one in showing how bloody the crime was but the murder scene in the movie was also well designed. As stated, the murder was very violent in the movie scene and the amount of blood that messes to Macbeth's hands and clothes is an embodied justification of the greatness of the sin and the murder so the movie was effective in describing the murder and displaying the blood motif.

            Then a conclusion can be drawn about the effectiveness of the murder scene in the movie. The scene was good at reflecting Macbeth's growing and unstoppable ambition that caused the series of next events of the play, the violence emerged in the murder of the king that prepared Macbeth's deserved relentless death and also the blood motif that is the symbol of the amount of guilt that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth acquired after their sinful action. The scene in this manner was more effective than the book to give an opportunity to the reader to to think and imagine some powerful actions and themes in the play better so it becomes beneficial for reader of Macbeth to watch that movie to gain some insight about what happens in the series of events in the play and understanding the themes and the motifs of the play in a more effective way.  

1 comment:

  1. The scene that you mentioned was also interesting for me, since it has significant role in the play. And also at your essay, you have connected ideas really well, like violance and blood.
