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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Clash Of Soul and Mind Of Macbeth

As I consider Roman Polanski's film version of Macbeth, the scene that I was extremely effected is the scene where Macbeth was experiencing self-conflict. The dilemma that he suffered caused by his indetermination on whether to kill Duncan or not. At that moment, Macbeth states that :" Is that a dagger that I see "(Act II Scene I)

To begin with, his mind stated that he has to kill Duncan. This suggestion was supported in previous periods with Lady Macbeth, who became blind with thought of being family member of Scottish Dynasty. As movie is considered as a whole, the event that I chose is one of the most nervous scenes. The reason why I thought like that is flared with the atmosphere which is so stressful as Macbeth saw dagger as an imagination in front of him. Also, the critical level of nerve and stress is implemented in movie with terryfying song. The song is used as motivator that motivates the theme of Macbeth's dilemma throughout the movie. As dagger emerged, song reached the peak level. As opposite, when imagination vanished, song's level of amplitudal tune relaxed. Phase change in level of music with psychological combination of Macbeth's dilemma represents the theme of peak level that we encounter and observe in the play.

On the other hand, his soul stated that what he is going to perform is such a deplorable act. The reason is Duncan is in same family with Macbeth and Duncan came as a guest to Macbeth's Inverness. Macbeth is supposed to host him so the reasons he saw not to kill Duncan is clashing with what he aims to perform and turn into murderer(Act II Scene II). This is the initializor that marks that everything is going to occur in negative manner. As a reader manner, I understood that course of whole play change directly as Macbeth murders Duncan with joint performance with Lady Macbeth.

As a conclusion, what I observe is that fade away of dagger reveals his soul as what he turns out to be is murderer and killing King is evil act. However, emerge of dagger image depicts his wish to kill Duncan. This contrary is collated with Polanski's harsh life story and acknowledges us human's clash of soul and mind. That's why this play is classified as tragedy.

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