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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Science of Laziness

     As Kant says, a man's laziness and cowardice is the main obstruction standing between him and enlightenment. "Sapere Aude", in English, "Dare to Know". Using your own understanding of things is crucial for your minds freedom. A slothful mind can be fixed but what about your body? Did it get created this way or is it just your laziness . Turns out, enlightenment is also genetic :)


  1. I love Asap Science! Also Kant was maybe a bit too harsh on lazy people, since it's the nature of humans to be this way :)

  2. Hmm... I'm pretty sure that I have the lazy gene. Having said that, when I do get around to exercising, I am always glad that I've done it and do get that dopamine reward boost. But it's very hard. I just don't want to work in general!
    BUT: we will see in Machiavelli next week that he says about 50% of our life is beyond our control (today this would include our genetic make-up) but the other 50% we have the power to change through action and self-development. So there's really no excuse, even for those who have unlucky genes. And anyway, sometimes the best ideas come when you are doing nothing.
