Alberti expressed an understanding of the truth in the art by providing the link between
the gestures, body figures and emotions. The body figures and the movements of the body must be
observed by the painter. Therefore the spectators understand the truth, the spectators feel like the
historians feel on the painting. According to Alberti, " A 'historia' will move spectators when the men
painted in the picture outwardly demonstrate their own feelings as clearly as possible. Nature
provides- and there is nothing to be found more rapacious of her like than she- that we mourn with
mourners, laugh with those who laugh, and grieve with the grief-stricken." (76).
The Wedding at Cana above reflects the feelings of all people on the painting because the
movements of the historians have harmony and relationship. On The Wedding at Cana artwork,
historians reflect different emotions according to their body figures. To exemplify, man with the
crown looks serious while staring at the woman. Woman behind man looks curious. This artwork
makes me think that serious things happen in this event.

relation to reflect their feelings. The painter of
this artwork represented the emotions of the
historians through the movements of limbs. If
Alberti saw this painting, he would think that this
artwork is excellent.
Alberti also believes that "There should
be some bodies that face towards us and others
going away, to right and left. Of these some parts
should be shown towards the spectators, and others
should be turned away." (78). I think Alberti wants
the artwork this way because life has moderation in
the feelings. If the artists draw different positions on their artwork, they reflect the nature of the life.
Alberti wants also some faces which are towards us. I think Alberti claims this idea to make us have
an eye contact with the spectators. If we have an eye contact with the historians, we may understand
what is going on. I think that on this painting, man below is trying to tell that he feels different.
Therefore,this artwork is a good illustration of theories of painting of Alberti.
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