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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

apple story

Hi mates. We all know the story of Adam and Eve. God banned them from eating the apple. But unfortunately they ate it anyway. In class, we talked about  the similarity between Gilgamesh and  religions.  In my opinion, there is also a connection between this apple story and enkidu's civilization process. As we know to become civilized, Enkidu had intercourse  with shamhat. As our teacher said "the civilization of humankind started when Adam and Eve sent to the world.". This idea can be seen ridiculous but maybe the reason of the fall is not eating the apple but it is beacause they had intercourse. I  dont know, maybe it is only for eating that apple but even if it is, the similarity of these two things can't be undeniable.


                                                          Enkidu and Shamhat

                                                          Adam and Eve

1 comment:

  1. Yes there is similarity,and yes, actually some people claim that it was because of sexual intercourse... This may make your claim/point stronger: Adam and Eve were sent to a place worse than Heaven, so they did not like earth as much as heaven (probably). AND Enkidu was not happy in civilization either. He missed his wild life...
