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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

A Real Genius: Leonardo DaVinci

Hi ladies and gentlemen,

     As we are studiying and examining the artists of the Renaissance, it is really significant to know the lives of these artists in a detail to get a great insight from our readings as it could give a prominent idea of how these artists are creating their work and in which conditions. One of the greatest of these artists is Leonardo DaVinci. He is surely known as one of the great minds of human history and for anybody who wants to understand the period of Renaissance, to examine the life of this engineer,thinker,philosopher,mathematician,anatomist,musician,artist,writer... Could be a great chance to comprehend this period. In addition, as it is said that he is one of the greatest minds, beyond doubt, we have a lot to learn from him. To exemplify, while examining his life, we could learn to set up a good reasoning for our lives. We could learn the art of math or we can learn the paths passing across the way in which a great engineer borns. Therefore; for curious minds and those who wants to enhance their knowledge, this link includes a great documentary about Leonardo DaVinci. I watched it and really enjoyed and got a lot from it and I am sure that you will watch it with great enthusiasm too!

Diver Outfit: One of the DaVinci's inventions

1 comment:

  1. a man great as great at engineering as he was great at arts. pure genius.
