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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Why is art so expensive ?

In class, we talked about how a painting of gold can be valuable than a real gold. Of course, this value can be evaluated as spiritual or financial. However, when we ask "what makes art sell?", there are lots of factors affecting sell of art. The blog below answers this question in 10 questions concisely!

What makes art sell? :)

Also, in the link below, you can find shockingly expensive paintings and how much they are.

The ten most expensive paintings in the history!

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting! I feel two ways about this. On the one hand, I agree that certain works of art are incredibly valuable, so these prices seem justified. At the same time, art should belong to everyone and be accessible to everyone, and the prices of these paintings are a bit out of control. All that money could be spent on something that would really change many peoples' lives, like education. And if we think that art should be accessible to everyone, then it should be in museums, but they don't always have that sort of money.
