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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Leonardo,Machiavelli and Vespucci

My alias and first topic that comes to my mind are inspired by the tv show Da Vinci's Demons. In the show, there is a boy that assists to Leonardo Da Vinci at his adventures. They keep calling him Nico. For 2 seasons they call him Nico and at season 3 he reveals himself to be Nicolo Machiavelli. I found this very interesting but couldn't trust it entirely because of the fact that it is a tv show. It can be fictional. Than I searched a little about it and found out that they did actually knew each other in person. Both of them are very important historic figures. So I found it interesting that they know each other. Apparently they have worked on a project together back in 1500s. Their dream was divide Arno River to canals that reach to sea and use these canals to make profit from taxes. Another purpose was to open the way of explorers like Amerigo Vespucci ( who is also in the show) to explore new lands. All of these sound very interesting to me. There seems to be a dream project between Leonardo Da Vinci, Nicolo Machiavelli and Amerigo Vespucci. I'm still not sure the certain truth of this information but these informations I got are from a book called "Fortune is a river" from Roger D. Masters.

1 comment:

  1. This is indeed a fascinating scenario. If they knew each other, what did they talk about? I love the canal scheme. I know there's not really enough water here, but I think that Kizilay would be so much nicer if it had canals! That's one of my fantasies for Ankara...
