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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Hi classmates,
As I feel that I have insufficient knowledge about Renaissance, I made some research about it. Then I found a link which is not only informational but also has some interesting stuff.

I think there is not a video like this makes easy and brief to understand renaissance. Here is a link for it: Renaissance Music Video. You should watch that video as it is musical and visual. Also a musician Jeffrey Lewis changes pages of a notebook which has drawings about renaissance on each page. Chronological and reasonable drawings makes video more attractive. Since it is related to our HUM112  course topic, video mentions about why renaissance occurred,how it changed, humanism, being plato ancient athens philosophy came in to fashion, statues, art changed to oil painting then perspective idea occurred painting things for lifelike, architect called Brunelleschi, medici family, printing press, the renaissance man who knows science and art, da vinci and Michelangelo, philosophy, astronomy and etc. 

Also this quote which is from the video which dropped my attention: "Art used to be simple skills but now look like miracles artists put into genius category".

1 comment:

  1. First of all, it is very good point that you mentioned ! Interactive things are the best for learning something better and more permanent. And also I agree with your statement that, "Art used to be simple skills but now look like miracles artists put into genius category." As everything changing in todays world, art's aim and the way of done is changed.
