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Tuesday, May 3, 2016


In this short parable we can see that Kafka is telling a story by indicating law and authority. As one can clearly see that this story have some confusions in itself. A man who wants to reach the Law and thinks that everyone should also be able to have access to the Law. However there is an obstacle which Kafka called “the doorkeeper”. 
Like the other short parables of Kafka this one is also disturbs me in some ways. They are stories that at the very first look seems very normal and okay but when one starts to think about it, it becomes suddenly non-sense. For instance, when the man wants to be admitted to the Law, the doorkeeper’s response is “it is possible, but now” (3). So, the question occurs what the right will be then. However, the problem with the story there would be no accurate time for entrance. This may show that as people, we, want to achieve something but never had it in real terms but we never give up trying like the man in the story. Kafka may want to show us that the path is better than the outcome. What I mean is, failure only can be possible if we don’t put the necessary effort on our goals. Because if one is doing his best, then what else can he do about it. The answer is nothing. 
Second disturbing thing about the story is, although the doorkeeper says he/she cannot allow him to go, at the same time, he never actually stops the man. So, if the man tried, he might reach to the Law. Why he never attempts to go inside then? This maybe because the man appreciates the power of the authority and he believes the doorkeeper’s words. The man actually believes that one day he may be accepted. But the time goes by and he gets older and he dies. 
The end of the story makes me think that one day I may die without achieving the one sole thing that I have looked for. This proves that how reality works. People actually die and they sometimes may not be successful.  
 So, the above interpretations are related to the law and authority and how it reflects the real life. But this story could be integrated to another aspect as well. Such as I might be the man and the doorkeeper may reflect the whole societal norms because it has a power on me. I want to reach the Law, the equality where my opinions are appreciated. But the tabus of the society i live in doesn't allow me to reach the pure right and I sacrifice all my life to accomplish this. I always try and always get the same old result, the refusal. However, I would never see myself as a failure because I did all my best and dying for a reason will calm my doubts. 

Thirdly, the very least sentences of the story, when the doorkeeper says, “since now you are dying, I will close this door, because this was only for you”. This argument makes me think that when people die there is nothing left to think about, you die with the whole world because the world is in you and you are the world. When your consciousness dies, no one or nothing could alter anything about you, society, the world, the norms… etc 

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