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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

You Know Nothing John Snow

      The day was a sunny monday. Mother lily gave birth to his first son John. John was raised with great conditions.He have already had all of the things he wished to have. He went to a great school. He graduated from his school from best score and then he found a great job. He was earning thousands of dollars per a day. He worked harder and harder then he doubled his money and again he worked harder and harder. He became a millioner. However; after all of the appetites he had and not just appetites but his great education, he realized that he was not satisfied. He said that why? why? why I still feel this strange thing? What is this incompleteness inside of me. I am rich. I had great education and I had everything but still I am searching for more. I cannot stop myself. I have to find a way to prevent this dissatisfaction. I got great education. I have been working for years so hard that I could be a wise man and answer must be something I know. Then, he said to himself; how can a man know this answer while he was very poor against his self's dissatisfaction. One day, he was walking in the street and across the street, there was an old man whose clothes are very dirty and his hair is scattered is  just staring at him and laughing . John went through this man and then asked, what are you laughing at you old man? He again laughed with high volume ahahahhahaha. I pity you  John. You are pathetic. John said who the hell are you? You know who I am? I am the boss of snow company and I am the one who was always comes first in every scholl I went. I am the one everything you lack of. Old man said after everything you have and you learned, you still know nothing John Snow but you may learn some when the day comes that you laugh at the ones who spit out to your face, you may learn some when the comes that you that you do not live for yourself but for others and you may learn some when the day comes that you know that you know nothing John Snow. When John heard these words which are very humiliating for him, he went crazy and he kicked the bin on his back.  Then, he turned back. He was shocked that the man disappeared in a second. He was shocked but after some minutes he went on his way. After few moths, John's dissatisfaction of his life is getting worse so at last, he decided to leave all of what he has,his wealth, his friends and even his familiy. He became a wanderer. He stayed away from crowded cities but sometimes he visited some villages and listen people.  He always listened people and do not talk much that even people assumed that he was dumb. He also continued reading .He never left reading books. In the most silence places, when the shadows extinguished the light of sun. He thought and listened himself. After many years of this life, his nature seems to be softened a lot. In many villages, people were calling him dumb and children were throwing rocks to him but he does not care. In one day, he again visited a village to get some food as he is so hungry and he thought that he may help  people. After he helped some people and get his food, there was a little child crying on the corner. He went there and without talking, he asked what is wrong with this child. Child said he is very hungry. Altough John is much hungry than child, he gave all of his food to him. John was in a very miserable situation with his hunger. While he was sitting inn a corner, a farmer came and saw John. He said that who is this ominous man? Look at him. He will bring bad luck to this village. he spited out to Johns face. From John's cheeks' tears were dripping but he did not say anything and left the village. He sit on a rock and he bend his head to front with sadness. However; he felt no dissatisfaction in spite of this terrible life seemingly, on the contrary, his physical body was burning but his soul is like in peace. When he was thinking these, somebody came to the in front of John. John did not even lift his head and look at the man. The man asked to John tell me who are you? John who speaks so so rarely wanted to answer. He said a man who knows nothing. Then, the man said that you started to learn John Snow ,you started to learn! When John lifted his head, there was nobody.

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