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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

My Own Parable: Being a Tourist

She was preparing like a regular tourist for his trip to Amsterdam. She searched on the Internet what other people said about must-see-places. Based on the score that these touristic places have, she added them into her schedule carefully.  Anne Frank House, Van Gogh Museum, etc... But, who was Anne Frank? She hasn't thought about it since it wasn't necessary. No matter who they are, she should go and visit them because they were the most rated ones. Everything was planned, even she decided where to be at 9 or what to eat in where. After the vacation was over, her friends asked how was the trip and she said "That was good, I took a lot of photos."

1 comment:

  1. We often make decisions and take actions without knowing the real reason why we are thinking and behaving in a certain way. When we visit another country or a city, we go to those must-see places. But why? Do we go to those places because we do not want to feel bad when our friends asks us if we see those places? Or do we want to see those places because most of people go there which is something that shows us those places are good, cannot disappoint us. Most of the time, we don't have the answer. But the problem is, after doing what other people do, still we are not able to create a meaning. Making plans and sticking to them may create a artificial sense of achievement but it holds us back from understanding the experience truly.
