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Monday, May 2, 2016

The Hairdresser (Assignment: Creative Option)

The Hairdresser

One day, two pigeons are strolling on the sidewalk.  One asks another: “Hey pigeon, what do you think about the way we’re living our lives? Don’t you think us pigeons are cut for something far more sophisticated”?  The pigeon gazes to the other, exited.  He suggests: “Why yes, I agree.  We should do something far more interesting, break out of the food chain, stop flying, get rid of our beaks and things like that”!  Two pigeons, pumped up, talk about this matter for hours.  They finally decide that they should start living their lives differently, so they decide to get rid of something the most bird-like, their beaks.  They go to a hairdresser, and talk about their ambitions.  The hair dresser says: “Oh my! That’s a great idea!  But unfortunately, that’s not my area of expertise.  You see, I’m a male hairdresser.  You should visit a female hair dresser for such matters”.  Two pigeons head to a female hairdresser.  The female hairdresser says: “Oh my!  That’s a great idea!  But unfortunately, that’s not my area of expertise.  You should visit a female hairdresser for this matter”.  Two pigeons, confused, ask: “But ma’m, you ARE a female hairdresser”.  Female hairdresser responds: “How would YOU know, you are pigeons”!  Two pigeons, with their faith broken, end up strolling on the sidewalk.

-Just to get a head start, one of the things this parable is about is the absurdity of people being overly ambitious and setting a goal far off their knowledge on the topic.

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