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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Explanation of "Before The Law"

When I first read before the law, the first thing that popped into my head was how the law was for every single individual in society but the fact that this person in the parable couldn’t reach the law showed me that there were corruptions in the system. Though the law supposedly never separates one person from another and that everyone is equal, we always see that power or money can make a difference.

The person waiting at the door consistently wants to take a step inside and find out what the law is consisting of his own matter but to my understanding he is not a person of strength or does not have a lot of money. He is kept waiting there until he becomes old and the doorkeeper says to him that this door was made for you and you alone. And the image that there where millions and millions of doors just came into my mind and that in every other door people where waiting to get inside, some who where powerful and knew the right people and were not afraid to go inside went inside faster while other less influential people had to wait a long time but also had their chance and were recognized by the law. They were judged accordingly and then could go outside and continue living their lives while the character in the parable gave his whole life to this, but was not recognized and the struggle to fight for his rights took over his life but this struggle was never rewarded with true meaning.

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